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Parent-child disconnectedness and older European adults’ mental health: Do patterns differ by marital status and gender?

Jessee, L. & Carr, D. (2025). The Journals of Gerontology.

Personal Beauty Values: Development and validation of a multidimensional measurement scale

Glückstad, F. K., Kobayashi, H., Seddig, D., Davidov, E. & Nakamura, R. (2025). Journal of Consumer Behavior.


Dyadic loneliness and kidney functioning among older couples in Europe.

Stokes, J. E., Jessee, L., Luchetti, M., & Sutin, A. R. (2024). Journal of Global Ageing.

Intergenerational family life courses and wealth accumulation in Norway

Hünteler, B., Nutz, T., Wörn, J. (2024). Social Forces.

Adult intergenerational proximity and parents’ depressive symptoms: A bidirectional approach.

Jessee, L., Bordone, V., & Hank, K. (2024). Social Science Research.

Basic human values and preferences for an EU-wide social benefit scheme.

Reinl, A.-K., Seddig, (...), Davidov, E. (2024). Journal of Common Market Studies.

Responsive Patient Care in Israel: A Qualitative Study of Hospital Rules and Regulations.

Semyonov-Tal, K. (2024). Health Policy.

The historical demography of the multigenerational family: Evidence from crowdsourced genealogies.

Skopek, J., Leopold, T., Posegga, O. (2024). OSF Preprints.

Everyday discrimination, co-ethnic social support and mood changes in young adult immigrants in Germany–Evidence from an ecological momentary assessment study

Krüger, H. (2024). Journal of Migration and Health.

Collecting Multi-Actor Family Network Data.

De Bel, V. & Van Duijn, M. A. J. (2024). Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Peers and value preferences among adolescents in school classes: A social network and longitudinal approach.

Cieciuch, J., (...), Davidov, E. (2024). European Journal of Psychology of Education.

Mode of contact and mood changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A daily diary study during school closures and re-opened schools

Krüger, H., Kroneberg, C., & Kruse, H. (2024). Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

The quality of the stepfather–child relationship in sole and joint physical custody.

Steinbach, A., Augustijn, L., & De Bel, Vera (2024). Family Relations.

Emerging Ideas. Family estrangement and its association with life satisfaction and depressiveness in adulthood.

Karsten Hank (2024). Family Relations.

Transnational Family Relations of German Emigrants.

Marcel Erlinghagen, Karsten Hank (2024).

Reassessing Chronic Strain: A Research Note on Women's Income Dynamics After Divorce and Separation

Leopold, T., Kalmijn, M. (2024). Demography.

Prediction of depressive symptoms at high age (80+) by psychological, biological and functional factors.

Zeyen, P., (...), Wagner, M. (2024). Journal of Affective Disorders.

Une refamilialisation du social dans la crise sanitaire de COVID-19? Éléments d’interprétation issus d’une revue de presse de mars à juin 2020 dans plusieurs pays européens.

Girardin, M., (...), De Bel, V. (2024). Sociograph - Sociological Research Studies.

Boundaries of Life: Attitudinal, Value and Political Implications on Euthanasia, Abortion, Reproduction and Medical Practices.

Bartolomé Peral, E., Siegers, P. & Dülmer, H. (Eds.) (2024). Frontiers in Political Science.

A new data infrastructure for family research and demographic analysis: the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)

Hank, K., (...), Thönnissen, C. (2024). European Sociological Review.

Organizational commitments to equality change how people view women’s and men’s professional success.

Kelley, K., Hipp, L. & Protsch, P. (2024). Scientific Reports.

Successful Life Conduct in Very Old Age: Theoretical Implications and Empirical Support from a Population-Based Study.

Kaspar, R., (...), Wagner, M. (2024). Applied Research in Quality of Life.

Positive, negative, and ambivalent dyads and triads with family and friends: A personal network study on how they are associated with young adults’ well-being.

De Bel, V. & Widmer, E. D. (2024). Social Networks.

Measuring the four higher-order values in Schwartz’s theory: Validation of a 17-Item inventory.

Lechner, C. M., (...), Davidov, E. (2024). Journal of Personality Assessment.

One and the same? How similar are basic human values and behavioral economic preferences?

Scharfbillig, M., Cieciuch, J. & Davidov, E. (2024). Plos One.

Measuring Schwartz’s Cultural Value Orientations in Europe with the European Social Survey: An Empirical Comparison of Additive Indexes with Factor Scores.

Dülmer, H., (...), Davidov, E. (2023). Survey Research Methods.


Who Benefits from Guidance Counseling? Insights into Native and Immigrant Students of Low Social Origin.

Pietrzyk, I., Jacob, M. & Erdmann, M. (2023). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Family Research and Demographic Analysis – New Insights from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)

CPoS special issue

Multi-functional ties and well-being in family networks before and after parental divorce.

De Bel, V. (2023). Social Sciences.

The Ethnic Lens: Social Networks and the Salience of Ethnicity in the School Context

Kroneberg, C. & Wittek, M. (2023). Sociological Science.

On the Rise in Child and Juvenile Delinquency in Germany After the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Nägel, Christof and Clemens Kroneberg, 2023 in Criminology – The Online Journal 3: 182-207.

Familiensoziologie - Eine kompakte Einführung

Authors: Karsten Hank , Paul B. Hill , Johannes Kopp , Anja Steinbach

Morality and Moral Change in the Black Sea Region: A Longitudinal Perspective with a Special Focus on Romania, Russia, and Turkey.

Dülmer, Hermann (2023), in: Voicu, Malina, Kseniya Kizilova, and Marian Zulean (Hrsg.): Social Values and Identities in…

Alternsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium

Hank, K., M. Wagner & S. Zank (Hrsg.) (2023). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Examining cross-cultural value questionnaires with quantitative methods: Reliability and scalar equivalence of the measurement instruments of human values in Germany and Japan

Jagodzinski, W., K. Manabe, H. Duelmer, C. Hommerich and E. Davidov. In Okada, A., Shigemasu, K., Yoshino, R., Yokoyama,…

“Fault lines” and substitution in the family network: Three-generational, bi-lateral, and gendered contact patterns in divorced and non-divorced families Authors.

de Bel, V., Potarca, G., & Van Duijn, M. A. J. (2023).

Challenges and Benefits of Including the Institutionalized, Cognitively Impaired and Unable-to-Respond in a Representative Survey of the Very Old

Kaspar, R., T. Brijoux, A. Albrecht, J. Zimmermann, J. Wenner, J. Fey, M. Reissmann, M. Wagner and S. Zank (2023).…

Best Paper Award 2023 der Sektion III der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (DGGG) für Wiebke Schmitz und Kolleg:innen:

Schmitz, W., Naegele, L., Frerichs, F., Ellwardt, L. (2023): Gendered late working life trajectories, family history and…

Seven Decades of Gender Differences in German Voting Behavior

Hudde, A. (2023). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Religious involvement across Europe: Examining its measurement comparability

Remizova, A., E. Davidov and M. Rudnev (2023). Survey Research Methods 17(1), 51-62.

Basic human values and preferences for an EU-wide social benefit scheme

Reinl, A.-K., D. Seddig, J. Dennison and E. Davidov (2023). Journal of Common Market Studies.

Hohes Alter in Deutschland.

Kaspar, R., J. Simonson, C. Tesch-Römer, M. Wagner & S. Zank (Hrsg.) (2023). Berlin: Springer.

The reciprocal relationship of self-rated health and instrumental help from adult children: Evidence from Germany.

Jessee, L. (2023). The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, gbad063.

Latent growth models for count outcomes: Specification, evaluation, and interpretation.

Seddig, D. (2023). Structural Equation Modeling.

The impact of guidance counselling on gender segregation: Major choice and persistence in higher education. An experimental study

Erdmann, M., Schneider, J., Pietrzyk, I., Jacob, M. & Helbig, M. (2023). Frontiers in Sociology.

Gesundheitskompetenz von Personen mit ex-sowjetischem und türkischem Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland

Klinger, J., Berens, E.-M., Carol, S. & Schaeffer, D. (2023). Das Gesundheitswesen.

Limited opportunities: Adolescents’ access to social capital in secondary schools in three European countries.

Lenkewitz, Sven (2023). Social Networks, 74, 245-258.

Social Networks and educational decisions: Who has access to social capital and for whom is it beneficial?

Lenkewitz, Sven, Wittek, Mark (2022). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 74, 437–472.

Limitations of democratic rights during the Covid-19 pandemic—exploring the citizens’ perception and discussions on dangers to democracy in Germany.

Katsanidou, A., Kneuer, M., Bensmann, F., Dimitrov, D., & Dietze, S. (2023). Zeitschrift für Vergleichende…

Gütekriterien in der Soziologie. Eine analytisch-empirische Perspektive.

G. Otte, T. Sawert, J. Brüderl, S. Kley, C. Kroneberg und I. Rohlfing (2023). Zeitschrift für Soziologie.

Internet usage among the oldest-old: does functional health moderate the relationship between internet usage and autonomy?

Oswald, Veronica & Wagner, Michael (2023). European Journal of Ageing

Spouses' division of labor and marital stability: Applying the multiple-equilibrium theory to cohort trends of divorce in East and West Germany

Schmid, Lisa & Wagner, Michael (2023). Journal of Family Research


Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives

Leitgöb, H., Seddig, D., Asparouhov, T., Behr, D., Davidov, E., De Roover, K., Jak, S., Meitinger, K., Menold, N.,…

Employees’ healthy eating and physical activity: the role of colleague encouragement and behaviour

van der Put, Anne & Ellwardt, Lea (2022). BMC Public Health.

Sibling estrangement in adulthood

Hank, Karsten; Steinbach, Anja (2022). Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Twitter users’ privacy behavior: A reasoned action approach

Schmidt, P., G. Gordoni, I. Ajzen, H. Steinmetz, E. Davidov, C. Beuthner, H. Silber and B. Weiß (2022). New Media and…

The development of stratification and segregation in a new scientific field: A study of collaboration among scientists in neuroblastoma research between 1975 and 2016

Wittek, M., Bartenhagen, C., & Berthold, F. (2023). Social Networks, 72, 80-107.

Differences in health literacy domains among migrants and their descendants in Germany

E. Berens, J. Klinger, S. Carol, D. Schaeffer (2022). Frontiers in Public Health.

Voting Behaviour and Health Among the Oldest-old in Germany: Results from a Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Wenner, Judith and Michael Wagner (2022). Journal of Population Ageing.

Young people’s job-search strategies in the German apprenticeship market: Who relies on referrals by strong ties and why?

Flohr, Matthias and Paula Protsch (2022). Acta Sociologica.

Vignette Analysis: Methodology and Recent Developments.

Verneuer-Emre, L. M., Eifler, S. & Dülmer, H. (Eds., 2022). Methods, Data, Analyses.

Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces virus-related fears. Findings from a German longitudinal study.

Seddig, D., Maskileyson, D. & Davidov, E. (2022). Frontiers in Public Health.

Effect of Commitment on Supportive Dyadic Coping: A Longitudinal Test of Interdependence Theory With German Couples.

Kuppler, M. & Wagner, M. (2022). Journal of Family Issues.

Analytic Criminology: Mechanisms and Methods in the Explanation of Crime and its Causes.

Wikström, Per-Olof H. and Clemens Kroneberg (2022). Annual Review of Criminology 5: 179-20.

Using police data to measure criminogenic exposure in residential and school contexts: experiences from a data linkage project in Germany.

Kroneberg, Clemens, Sven Lenkewitz, André Ernst, Maike Meyer, and Kai Seidensticker (2022). Police Practice and…

Correlates of COVID-19 vaccination intentions: Attitudes, institutional trust, fear, conspiracy beliefs, and vaccine skepticism

Seddig, D., Maskileyson, D., Davidov., E., Ajzen, I., & Schmidt, P. (2022). Social Science & Medicine.

Why measurement invariance is important in comparative research. A response to Welzel et al.

Meuleman, B., T. Żółtak, A. Pokropek, E. Davidov, B. Muthén, D. Oberski, J. Billiet and Peter Schmidt (2021) (2022).…

Values and attitudes towards immigrants among school children in Switzerland and Poland

Becker, C., E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, R. Algesheimer and M. Kindschi (2022). Race and Social Problems.

Old-age lifestyles: Patterns of participation in leisure activities and their associations with different forms of capital.

Geithner, L., Wagner, M. (2022). Journal of Aging Studies.

In search of a comparable measure of generalized individual religiosity in the World Values Survey

Remizova, A., Rudnev, M. & Davidov, E. (2024). Sociological Methods and Research.

Gesundheitskompetenz von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Ergebnisse des HLS-MIG.

Berens, E.-M., Klinger, J., Mensing, M., Carol, S., Schaeffer, D. (2022). Bielefeld: Universität, Interdisziplinäres…

Public Stigma towards Female and Male Opioid and Heroin Users. An Experimental Test of Attribution Theory and the Familiarity Hypothesis.

Sattler, S., Zolala, F., Amirzadeh, S., Baneshi, R., Ghasemi, J. (2021). Frontiers in Public Health.

Feigning Symptoms to Obtain Prescription Stimulants: A Vignette-Based Study on Its Conditions

van Veen, F., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Hasselhorn, F. (2021, online first). Journal of Drug Issues.

An Experimental Test of Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation: Investigating the Perception-Choice Process.

Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Mehlkop, G., Hasselhorn, F., Sauer, C. (2021, online first). Social Science Research.


Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung in Deutschland Ergebnisse des HLS-GER 2.

Schaeffer, D., Gille, S., Berens, E.-M., Griese, L., Klinger, J., Vogt, D., Hurrelmann, K. (2021). Das Gesundheitswesen.

Analyzing factorial survey data with Structural Equation Models.

Weijters, B., Davidov, E. & Baumgartner, H. (2021). Sociological Methods and Research.

Assessing sleep problems and daytime functioning: a translation, adaption, and validation of the Athens Insomnia Scale for non-clinical application (AIS-NCA).

Sattler, S., Seddig, D., & Zerbini, G. (2021). Psychology & Health.

Gesundheitskompetenz in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Folgebefragung.

Schaeffer, D., Berens, E.-M., Vogt, D., Gille, S., Griese, L., Klinger, J., Hurrelmann, K. (2021). Dtsch Arztebl Int…

When ethnicity and gender align. Classroom composition, friendship segregation, and collective identities in European schools.

Kroneberg, C., Kruse, H. & Wimmer, A. (2021). European Sociological Review.

Analytic Criminology: Mechanisms and Methods in the Explanation of Crime and its Causes.

Wikström, P. H. & Kroneberg, C. (2022). Annual Review of Criminology.

Das gute Leben. Gesellschaft, Politik und die Praxis des hohen Alters

Woopen, C., Wagner, M. & Zank, S. (2021). Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.

Discrepancies between subjective importance and actual everyday practice among very old adults and the consequences for autonomy

Geithner, L. & Wagner, M. (2021). Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.

Home environment and frailty in very old adults

Zimmermann, J., Hansen, S. & Wagner, M. (2021). Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.

The NRW80+ study: conceptual background and study groups

Hansen, S., Kaspar, R., Wagner, M. et al. (2021). Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.

Does social isolation affect physical and mental health? A test of the social causation hypothesis using dynamic panel models with fixed effects.

Seifert, N., Seddig, D., & Eckhard, J. (2021). Aging & Mental Health.

Latent profile analysis of human values: What is the optimal number of clusters?

N. Schmidt, M., Seddig, D., Davidov, E. et al. (2021). Methodology.

Gesundheitskompetenz in Deutschland vor und während der Corona-Pandemie

Schaeffer, D., Klinger, J. et al. (2021). Das Gesundheitswesen.

Social relationships, living arrangements and loneliness

Schmitz, W., Mauritz, S. & Wagner, M. (2021). Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie.

Housing density and its consequences for couples in Germany: staying, moving, or breaking up?

Van Damme, M., Krapf, S. & Wagner, M. (2021). Housing Studies.

Heterogeneity in Trajectories of Life Satisfaction After Reunification: The Role of Individual Resources and Life Stage in Former East Germany

Wetzel, M., Wörn, J., Hünteler, B. & Hank, K. (2021). Social Indicators Research.

Adult children's estrangement from parents in Germany.

Arránz Becker, O., Hank, K. (2021). Journal of Marriage and Family.

Fertility attitudes of highly educated youth: A factorial survey

Karabchuk, T., Dülmer, H. & Gatskova, K. (2021). Journal of Marriage and Family.

Working’ moms ain’t doing so bad: Evidence on the gender gap in Working hours at the puset of the COVI-19 pandemic.

Knize, V., Tobler, L., Christoph, B., Fervers, L. & Jacob, M. (2021). Journal of Family Research.

Towards an understanding of how stress and resources affect the nonmedical use of prescription drugs for performance enhancement among employees.

Baum, M., Sattler, S., Reimann, M. (2021). Current Psychology.

Cognitive Enhancement: Unanswered Questions about Human Psychology and Social Behavior.

Racine, É., Sattler, S., Boehlen, W. (2021). Science & Engineering Ethics.

Unhealthy Parenting Strategies: The Influence of (Dis-)Incentives, Machiavellian Personality, and their Interaction on Misuse of ADHD Medication for Healthy Children.

Sattler, S., Linden, P. (2021). Social Science Research.

Economic integration of first- and second-generation immigrants in the Swiss labor market: Does the reason for immigration make a difference?

Maskileyson, D., Semyonov, M. & Davidov, E. (2021). Population, Space and Place.

Ethnic majority attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish migrants in Israel: The role of threat, vulnerability and human values

Raijman, R., Hochman, O. & Davidov, E. (2021). Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies.

The EURO-D measure of depressive symptoms in the aging population: Comparability across European countries and Israel

Maskileyson, D., Seddig, D. & Davidov, E. (2021). Frontiers in Political Science.

The Transition to a Coresidential Partnership: Who Moves and Who Has the Partner Move In?

Krapf, S., Mulder, C. H. & Wagner, M. (2021). Population Research and Policy Research.

Latent profile analysis of human values: What is the optimal number of clusters?

Schmidt, M. N., Seddig, D., Davidov, E. et al. (2021). Methodology.

Ethnische Wohnraumpräferenzen in Deutschland.

Klinger, J. (2021). Blickpunkt Gesellschaft. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Social Sustainability and Social (Dis)trust in Outgroups: Evidence from Germany and Spain Using the Factorial Survey.

Bartolomé, E., H. Dülmer & L. Coromina (2021). Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto.

The comparability of perceived physical and mental health measures across immigrants and natives in the United States.

Maskileyson, D., D. Seddig and E. Davidov (2021). Demography.

Memories of a Death Threat: Negative Consequences of Unconscious Thoughts about a Terrorist Attack on Attitudes Towards Alcohol

Pradel, F., Sattler, S. (2020).

Why Parents Misuse Prescription Drugs to Enhance the Cognitive Performance of Healthy Children: The Influence of Peers and Social Media.

Sattler, S. et al. (2021). Journal of Drug Issues.

Cognitive Enhancement: Unanswered Questions about Human Psychology and Social Behavior.

Racine, É., Sattler, S., Boehlen, W. (2020). Science & Engineering Ethics 27.

Valores bajo presión: estudio preliminar sobre el cambio de valores ante la crisis de la COVID-19 en España

Bartolomé, E., L. Coromina, and H. Dülmer (2021). Revista Española De Ciencia Política.

Some Theoretical Reflections on Modernisation, Value Change, Cultural Change and Democracy in a Multilevel Perspective.

Dülmer, H. (2021). European Journal of Political Culture.

Explaining voting in the UK's 2016 EU referendum: Values, attitudes to immigration, European identity and political trust

Dennison, J., D. Seddig and E. Davidov (2021). Social Science Research.

The Role of Human Values in Explaining Support for European Union Membership

Dennison, J., D. Seddig and E. Davidov (2021). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Mothers’ employment and child behaviour: new evidence for Scotland

Jacob, Marita; Kühhirt, Michael (2021). Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.

LAT relationships: A new living arrangement among the oldest old population in Germany?

Mauritz, Stefan; Wagner, Michael (2021). Demographic Research.

Cross-national differences in the association between retirement and memory decline

Mäcken, Jana; Riley, Alicia R; Glymour, Maria M (2021). The Journals of Gerontology: Series B.

Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung in Deutschland vor und während der Corona Pandemie. Ergebnisse des HLS-GER 2.

Schaeffer, D., Berens, E.-M., Gille, S., Griese, L., De Sombre, S., Klinger, J., Vogt, D., Hurrelmann, K. (2021).…

Using Social Learning Theories to Better Understand the Variation of the Moral Acceptability of Performance Enhancement Drug Use.

Sattler, S. (2020). American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 11: 248–250.

Linked in Life and Death: A Note on the Effect of Parental Death on Sibling Relations in Young and Middle Adulthood

Hank, Karsten (2021). Journal of Family Issues.

Mothers’ employment and child behaviour: New evidence for Scotland.

Jacob, Marita und Kühhirt, Michael (2021). Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.


Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung in Deutschland: Vergleich der Erhebungen 2014 und 2020.

Hurrelmann, K., Klinger, J., Schaeffer, D. (2020). Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für…

Measuring school children’s attitudes toward immigrants in Switzerland and Poland

Becker, C.C., E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, R. Algesheimer and M. Kindschi (2020). Measurement Instruments for the Social…

The comparability of measures in the ageism module of the fourth round of the European Social Survey, 2008-2009.

Seddig, D., Maskileyson, D., & Davidov, E. (2020). Survey Research Methods, 14(4), 351-364.

Do Publics Share Experts’ Worries About Brain-Computer Interfaces? A Trinational Survey on the Ethics of Neural Technology

Sample, M., Sattler, S., Racine, E., Blain-Moraes, S., Rodriguez-Arias, D. (2020) Science, Technology and Human Values

Impact of Healthcare System, Macro Indicator, General Mandatory Quarantine and Mask Obligation on COVID-19 cases and death in six Latin American Countries: an interrupted time series study

Poppe, A. (2020). Frontiers in Public Health.

Modeling Updating of Perceived Detection Risk: The Role of Personal Experience, Peers, Deterrence Policies, and Impulsivity

van Veen, F., Sattler, S. (2020): Deviant Behavior 41

Cognitive Enhancement in Children by Using Prescription Drugs 

Sattler, S. (2020) Education in the Digital Age: Healthy and Happy Children

Die akademische Institutionalisierung der soziologischen Lehre in Köln

Wagner, M., Wittmaack, M. (2020). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Attitudes towards working in retirement: a latent class analysis of older workers’ motives.

Hess, M., Naegele, L., Mäcken, J. (2020) European Journal of Aging.

Changes in employment and relationship satisfaction in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the German family Panel

Schmid, L., Wörn, J., Hank, K., Sawatzki, B., Walper, S. (2020). European Societies.

Die akademische Institutionalisierung der soziologischen Lehre in Köln (Kopie 1)

Wagner, M., Wittmaack, M. (2020). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Explaining voting in the UK’s 2016 EU referendum: Basic human values, attitudes toward immigration, European identity and trust in politicians

J. Dennison, E. Davidov & D. Seddig (2020). Social Science Research.

Grandparenthood and risk of mortality: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study

Ellwardt, L., Hank, K., Mendes de Leon, C.F. (2020). Social Science & Medicine.

Effect of Regional Long-Term Care Service Supply on Choice of Care Arrangement in Old Age

Kuppler, M., Wagner, M. (2020). Journal of Population Ageing.

Sibling influence on family formation: A study of social interaction effects on fertility, marriage, and divorce

Buyukkececi, Z., Leopold, T. (2020). Advances in Life Course Research.

What Difference Does a Negative Opinion Climate Make? Assessing Immigrants’ Low-Wage Risks in Times of Heightened Anti-Immigrant Attitudes

Careja, R., Andreß, H. & Giesselmann, M. (2020). KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Interdependencies in Mothers’ and Daughters’ Work-Family Life Course Trajectories: Similar but Different?

Vidal, S., Lersch, P.M., Jacob, M., Hank, K. (2020). Demography.

Longitudinal Associations Between Adult Relations with Intimate Partners and Siblings

Johnson, M.D., Hank, K., Yurkiw, J. (2020). Journal of Marriage and Family.

The virus changed everything, didn’t it? Couples’ division of housework and childcare before and during the Corona crisis

Hank, K., Steinbach, A. (2020). Journal of Family Research.

Individualized Relationship Practices and Union Dissolution: Differences Between Marriage and Cohabitation

Hiekel, N., Wagner, M. (2020). European Sociological Review.

Gender role attitudes in the International Social Survey Programme: Cross-national comparability and relationships to cultural values.

Lomazzi, V. & Seddig, D. (2020). Cross-Cultural Research.

The Long-Term Costs of Family Trajectories: Women’s Later-Life Employment and Earnings Across Europe.

Muller, J. S., Hiekel, N., Liefbroer, A. C. (2020). Demography.

Social Inequalities in Student Employment and the Local Labour Market.

Jacob, M., Gerth, M., Weiss, F. (2020). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Educational differences in the influence of health on early work exit among older workers.

De Breij, S.; Mäcken, J.; Holman, D.; Yogachandiran Qvist, J., Hess, M.; Huisman, M.; Deeg, D. (2020). Occupational and…

The Effect of Democratically Determined (In)equality on Cooperative Behavior.

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Ehlebracht, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (2020). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und…

Violence, Street Code Internalization and the Moderating Effect of the Status-Violence Norm in German Schools.

Ernst, A. und Lenkewitz, S. (2020). Criminology – The Online Journal

Relationship‐Based Selective Participation of Secondary Respondents in a German Multi‐Actor Panel Study

Hünteler, B. and Wetzel, M. (2020). Journal of Marriage and Family.

Geographic Proximity to Parents, Intergenerational Support Exchange, and Migration Within Germany.

Hünteler, B., and Mulder, C.H. (2020). European Journal of Population.

On Increasing Divorce Risks

Wagner, M. (2020). In: Divorce in Europe. Springer, Cham.

Perceptions of Society’s Necessary Standard of Living: Are Perceptions Determined by What People Have, or Do They Reflect a Social Consensus?

Gutfleisch, T. and H.-J. Andreß (2020). Social Indicators Research.

Choosing priors in Bayesian measurement invariance modeling: A Monte Carlo simulation study

Pokropek, A., P. Schmidt and E. Davidov (2020). Structural Equation Modeling.

Educational inequalities in health after work exit: the role of work characteristics

De Breij, Sascha; Yogachandiran Qvist, Jeevitha; Holman, Daniel; Mäcken, Jana; Seitsamo, Jorma; Huisman, Martijn; Deeg,…

Grandparents’ Relationship to Grandchildren in the Transition to Adulthood

Martin Wetzel and Karsten Hank (2020). Journal of Family Issues.

Housing Affordability, Housing Tenure Status and Household Density: Are Housing Characteristics Associated with Union Dissolution?

Sandra Krapf and Michael Wagner (2020). European Journal of Population.

In Search of the Healthy Immigrant Effect in Four West European Countries

Dina Maskileyson, Moshe Semyonov, Eldad Davidov (2019). Social Inclusion.


Measurement invariance analysis using multiple group confirmatory factor analysis and Alignment optimisation

Davidov, E. and B. Meuleman. In Van de Vijver, F.J.R., F. Avvisati, E. Davidov, M. Eid, J.-P. Fox, N. Ledonne, K. Lek,…

Invariance analyses in large-scale studies

Van de Vijver, F.J.R., F. Avvisati, E. Davidov, M. Eid, J.-P. Fox, N. Ledonne, K. Lek, B. Meuleman, M. Paccagnella and…

A Monte Carlo simulation study to assess the appropriateness of traditional and newer approaches to test for measurement invariance

Pokropek, A., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt (2019). Structural Equation Modeling.

Contested terrain: explaining divergent patterns of public opinion towards immigration within Europe

Heath, A., E. Davidov, R. Ford, E.G.T. Green, A. Ramos and P. Schmidt (2019). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

What factors explain anti-Muslim prejudice? An assessment of Muslim population size, institutional characteristics and immigration-related media claims

Schlueter, E., A. Masso and E. Davidov (2019). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: a cross-national perspective

Meuleman, B., A. Koenraad, P. Schmidt, T.F. Pettigrew and E. Davidov (2019). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Stability and change of basic personal values in early adolescence: A 2-year longitudinal study

Vecchione, M., S. Schwartz, E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, G. Alessandri and G. Marsicano (2019). Journal of Personality.

Values in adolescent friendship networks

Kindschi, M., J. Cieciuch, E. Davidov, A. Ehlert, H. Rauhut, C. Tessone and R. Algesheimer (2019). Network Science.

General Trust in a Changing Society: The Development of Interpersonal Trust between 1978 and 2013 in Japan.

Jagodzinski, Wolfgang, Hermann Dülmer, Yusuke Inagaki, and Tadahiko Maeda (2019). Bulletin of Data Analysis of Japanese…

Economic conditions and native-immigrant asymmetries in generalized social trust

Ziller, C., Heizmann, B. (2019). Social Science Research.

Brain-Computer Interfaces and Personhood: Interdisciplinary Deliberations on Neural Technology. Journal of Neural Engineering.

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Ehestabilität in Deutschland. Historische Trends und Scheidungsrisiken.

Wagner, M. (2019). Psychotherapeut.

More than a Sorting Machine: Ethnic Boundary Making in a Stratified School System.

Kruse, Hanno and Clemens Kroneberg (2019). American Journal of Sociology 125(2): 431-484.

Non-Religious Identities and Life Satisfaction: Questioning the Universality of a Linear Link between Religiosity and Well-Being.

Pöhls, K., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2019). Journal of Happiness Studies.

Individual attitudes toward deviant behavior and perceived attitudes of friends: Self-stereotyping and social projection in adolescence and emerging adulthood.

Seddig, D. (2019). Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Social Origin, Field of Study, and Graduates’ Career Progression: Does Social Inequality Vary Across Different Fields?

Marita Jacob and Markus Klein (2019). British Journal of Sociology.

Using cultural and structural indicators to explain measurement noninvariance in gender role attitudes with multilevel structural equation modeling.

Seddig, D., & Lomazzi, V. (2019). Social Science Research.

Cross-National Comparative Research.

Andreß, H.-J., Fetchenhauer, D., and Meulemann, H. (2019). Sonderheft der KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und…

Cross-National Comparative Research—Analytical Strategies, Results, and Explanations.

Andreß, H.-J., Fetchenhauer, D., and Meulemann, H. (2019). KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und…

The Factorial Survey: The Impact of the Presentation Format of Vignettes on Answer Behavior and Processing Time.

Shamon , H., Dülmer, H. and Giza, A. (2019). Sociological Methods & Research, available online 25 June 2019.

Delinquency among majority and minority youths in Cologne, Mannheim and Brussels: the role of religion

Carol, S., Peez, F. and Wagner, M. (2019). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, available online 14 June 2019.

The Social Stratification of Choice in the Transition to Adulthood

Billari, F.C., Hiekel, N. and Liefbroer, A.C. (2019). European Sociological Review, available online 01 June 2019.

Personality traits and public support of minority rights

Ziller, C. and Berning C.C. (2019). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, available online 24 May 2019.

Who is Willing to Share the Burden? Attitudes Towards the Allocation of Asylum Seekers in Comparative Perspective

Heizmann, B. and Ziller, C. (2019). Social Forces, available online 22 May 2019.

Multilevel Models for the Analysis of Comparative Survey Data: Common Problems and Some Solutions

Schmidt-Catran, A.W., Fairbrother, M. and Andreß, H.J. (2019). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie,…

Level and change in economic, social, and personal resources for people retiring from paid work and other labour market statuses

Wetzel, M., Bowen, C.E. and Huxhold, O. (2019). European Journal of Ageing, available online 11 May 2019.

Natives’ and Immigrants’ Gender Preferences for Children in Germany

Carol, S. and Hank, K. (2019). European Journal of Population, available online 14 May 2019.

Policy Effects on Political Engagement

Ziller, C. (2019). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, available online 08 May 2019.

How to obtain comparable measures for cross-national comparisons

Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., and Algesheimer, R. (2019). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und…

Health trajectories of immigrants in the United States: Does income inequality of country of origin matter?

Maskileyson, D. (2019). Social Science and Medicine. Vol 230, pp. 246-255.

Stability and Change in Intergenerational Family Relations Across Two Decades: Findings From the German Ageing Survey, 1996–2014

Hank, K., Klaus, D., Mahne, K. & Steinbach, A. (2019)

Families and Their Institutional Contexts: the Role of Family Policies and Legal Regulations

Hank, K., Steinbach, A. (2019)

Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: Individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Davidov, E., Seddig, D., Gorodzeisky, A., Raijman, R., Schmidt, P., & Semyonov, M. (2019)

Deciphering Moral Intuition: How Agents, Deeds, and Con-sequences Influence Moral Judgment.

Dubljevic, V, Sattler, S., Racine, É. (2018) PLOS One 13: e0204631

Behavioral signatures of values in everyday behavior in retrospective and real-time self-reports.

Skimina, E., J. Cieciuch, S.H. Schwartz, E. Davidov and R. Algesheimer (2019). Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 281.

Testing the circular structure and importance hierarchy of value states in real-time behaviors.

Skimina, E., J. Cieciuch, S.H. Schwartz, E. Davidov and R. Algesheimer (2018). Journal of Research in Personality, 74,…

Vom „Stasi-Knast“ in den „goldenen Westen“? Ost-West-Binnenmigration ehemaliger politischer Häftlinge der DDR.

Gürtzgen, N. Hank, K. (2018). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.

Alternsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Hank, K., Schulz-Nieswandt, F., Wagner, M., Zank, S. (Hrsg.) (2019). Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Work stress among older employees in Germany: Effects on health and retirement age.

Mäcken, J. (2019). PLOS ONE, avaliable online 04 February 2019.

The transition from living apart together to a coresidential partnership.

Wagner, M., Mulder, C.H. , Weiß, B. and S. Krapf (2019). Advances in Life Course Research, available online 2 January…

Inequality of Educational Opportunity in East and West Germany: Convergence or Continued Differences?

Klein Markus, Katherin Barg and Michael Kühhirt (2019) in Sociological Science

Running out of time? Understanding the consequences of the biological clock for the dynamics of fertility intentions and union formation.

Wagner, M., Huinink, J., and A.C. Liefbroer (2019). Demographic Research, available online 10 January 2019.


The Impact of Modernisation and Culture on Morality and Moral Change in Europe: From Universalism to Contextualism

Dülmer, H. (2018). The Aoyama Journal of Global Studies and Collaboration, 3, 81-107.

Immigration, social trust, and the moderating role of value contexts

Ziller, C., Wright, M., and Hewstone, M. (2018). Social Science Research, available online 10 December 2018.

Multiple Regression mit voneinander abhängigen Beobachtungen: Random-Effects und Fixed-Effects

Ziller, C. (2018). In: Wagemann C., Goerres A., Siewert M. (eds) Handbuch Methoden der Polititkwissenschaft. Springer…

Regional Sex Ratio and the Dissolution of Relationships in Germany.

Obersneider, M., Janssen, J.-C. and M. Wagner (2018). European Journal of Population, available online 28 November 2018.

Love. Break up. Repeat: The prevalence and stability of serial cohabitation among West German women and men born in the early 1970s.

Hiekel, N. and B. E. Fulda (2018). Demographic Research, 39, 855-870.

Anwendungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie und die Mediatisierung sozialer Inklusion.

Ferger, E. (2018). In: Burchardt, A. und Uszkoreit, H. (Eds.), IT für soziale Inklusion.

Digitalisierung - Künstliche…

Same-sex relationship experiences and expectations regarding partnership and parenthood.

Hank, K. and M. Wetzel (2018). Demographic Research, 39, 701-718.

Non-response in surveys of very old people.

Wagner, M., Kuppler, M., Rietz, C. and R. Kaspar (2018). European Journal of Ageing, available online 3 September 2018.

Intergenerational solidarity and intragenerational relations between adult siblings.

Hank, K. and A. Steinbach (2018). Social Science Research, available online 9 August 2018.

Marital Status, Partnership and Health Behaviour: Findings from the German Ageing Survey (DEAS).

Hilz, R. and M. Wagner (2018). Comparative Population Studies, 43, 65-98.

Modeling multiple-country repeated cross-sections: A societal growth curve model for studying the effect of the economic crisis on perceived ethnic threat.

Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and J. Billiet (2018). methods, data, analyses, 12(2), 185-210.

The relation between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: Analysing data from the European Social Survey.

Billiet, J., B. Meuleman and E. Davidov (2018). In Sztabiński, F., H. Domański and P.B. Sztabiński (Eds.), New…

Comparative survey analysis: Models, techniques, and applications.

Special issue in: methods, data, analyses, 12(2). Edited by Meuleman, B., Davidov, E., & Seddig. D. (2018).

Full-, Half-, and Step-Sibling Relations in Young and Middle Adulthood

Anja Steinbach, Karsten Hank (2018) in Journal of Family Issues


Werte und abweichendes Verhalten

Pöge, A., & Seddig, D. (2018). In D. Hermann & A. Pöge (Eds.), Kriminalsoziologie. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis…

Approximate measurement invariance and longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis: concept and application with panel data.

Seddig, D. & Leitgöb, H. (2018). Survey Research Methods, 12(1), 29-41. doi:10.18148/srm/2018.v12i1.7210

Values, attitudes toward interpersonal violence, and interpersonal violent behavior.

Seddig, D. & Davidov, E. (2018). Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 604. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00604

Comparative survey analysis: Comparability and equivalence of measures.

Special issue in: methods, data, analyses, 12(1). Edited by Meuleman, B., Davidov, E., & Seddig. D. (2018).

Exact and Bayesian approximate measurement invariance

Seddig, D. & Leitgöb, H. (2018). In E. Davidov, P. Schmidt, & J. Billiet, Cross Cultural Analysis: Methods and…

Maternity Leave and Mothers' Long-Term Sickness Absence: Evidence from West-Germany

Guertzgen, Nicole and Karsten Hank (2018). In Demography

Cross-cultural analysis: Methods and applications. Second edition (2018)

Edited by Davidov, E., P. Schmidt, J. Billiet and B. Meuleman.

Taking Lemons for a Trial Run: Does Type of Job Exit Affect the Risk of Entering Fixed-Term Employment in Germany?

Biegert, Thomas and Michael Kühhirt (2018) in European Sociological Review

Quality of life of the very old. Survey on quality of life and subjective well-being of the very old in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW80+)

Wagner, Michael, Christian Rietz, Roman Kaspar, Anna Janhsen, Luise Geithner, Michael Neise, Carolin Kinne-Wall,…

Long-term Health Consequences of Adverse Labor Market Conditions at Time of Leaving Education. Evidence from West German Panel Data

Lersch, Philipp M., Marita Jacob, and Karsten Hank (2018).

In Journal of Health and Social Behavior

Women’s decisions to stay in or leave an abusive relationship: Results from a longitudinal study in Bolivia. Violence Against Women, 1-19.

Heim, E., Ajzen, I., Schmidt, P., & Seddig, D. (2017). doi:10.1177/1077801217741993


Free Will and the Brain Disease Model of Addiction: The Not So Seductive Allure of Neuroscience and Its Modest Impact on the Attribution of Free Will to People with an Addiction

Racine, É., Sattler, S., Escande, A. (2017) In: Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1850

Information and Communication Technology Applications and the Mediatization of Social Inclusion

Ferger, Edwin (2017) In: Postmodernism Problems. Volume 7, Number 3. (Electronic Issue)

Exploration and explanation of self-reported delinquency trajectories in the Crimoc study

Seddig, D. & Reinecke, J. (2017) in the Crimoc study. In A. Blokland, V. van der Geest (Eds.), The Routledge…

Beeinflussen Sanktionsrisikoeinschätzungen das delinquente Handeln junger Menschen oder ist es umgekehrt?

Seddig, D., Hirtenlehner, H., & Reinecke, J. (2017) in Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 69(2),…

Attitudes toward immigrants in European societies (2017).

Davidov, E and M. Semyonov. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 58: 359-366.

Host or hostile? Attitudes towards asylum seekers in Israel and in Denmark (2017).

Hercowitz-Amir, A., R. Raijman and E. Davidov. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 58 (5): 416-439.

Testing Measurement Invariance for a Second-Order Factor: A Cross-National Test of the Alienation Scale (2018).

Rudnev, M., E. Lytkina, E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and A. Zick. Methods, data, analyses 12 (1): 47-76.

Intergenerational transmission of parent-child relationship quality: Evidence from a multi-actor survey

K. Hank, V. Salzburger & M. Silverstein (2017): Social Science Research, 67, 129-137

Equal Treatment Regulations and Ethnic Minority Social Trust

Ziller, Conrad (2017) in European Sociological Review 33 (4): 563-575.

On race, ethnicity and on the economic cost of immigration

Maskileyson, Dina; Semyonov, Moshe (2017) in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Vol. 50, p. 19-28.

Public Stigma towards People with Drug Addiction: A Factorial Survey.

Sattler, Sebastian, Escande, Alice, Racine, Éric, Göritz, Anja (2017) in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 78:…

Moving in or Breaking Up? The Role of Distance in the Development of Romantic Relationships.

Krapf, S. (2017) in European Journal of Population.

Early Maternal Employment and Children's Vocabulary and Inductive Reasoning Ability: A Dynamic Approach

Klein, M., Kühhirt, M. (2017) in Child Development.

Testing for Approximate Measurement Invariance of Human Values in the European Social Survey.

Cieciuch, Jan, Eldad Davidov, Rene Algesheimer, and Peter Schmidt (2017) in Sociological Methods and Research (online…

Parenthood, Gender, and Personal Wealth.


Lersch, P. M., Jacob, M., & Hank, K. (2017), in European Sociological Review.

The dynamic relations between economic conditions and anti-immigrant sentiment: A natural experiment in times of the European economic crisis.

Kuntz, Anabel, Eldad Davidov and Moshe Semyonov (2017) in International Journal of Comparative Sociology 58 (5):…

Fertility by Birth Order among the Descendants of Immigrants in Selected European Countries.

Kulu, H., Hannemann, T., Pailhé, A., Neels, K., Krapf, S., González-Ferrer, A., Andersson, G. (2017) in Population and…

Erhart Kästner (1904-1974). Griechenlandsehnsucht und Zivilisationskritik im Kontext der ,,konservativen Revolution".

Schulz-Nieswandt, F. (2017) in transcript Verlag.


Explaining Measurement Nonequivalence Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling: The Case of Attitudes Toward Citizenship Rights

Davidov, Eldad, Hermann Dülmer, Jan Cieciuch, Anabel Kuntz, Daniel Seddig und Peter Schmidt (2016) in Sociological…

"Wie wirken "Subkulturen der Gewalt"? Das Zusammenspiel von Internalisierung und Verbreitung gewaltlegitimierender Normen in der Erklärung von Jugendgewalt."

Beier, Harald. 2016 in Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 68:457-485.

Cognitive Enhancement in Healthy Children Will Not Close the Achievement Gap in Education

Sebastian Sattler, Ilina Singh (2016)

The Moral Economy of Intergenerational Redistribution in an Ageing Society: A Qualitative Analysis of Young Adults' Beliefs in the United States

Katrin Prinzen (2016)

Attitudes Toward Intergenerational Redistribution in the Welfare State

Katrin Prinzen (2015)

Who likes to learn new things: measuring adult motivation to learn with PIAAC data from 21 countries

Julia Gorges, Débora B. Maehler, Tobias Koch and Judith Offerhaus (2016)

The shadow of future homeownership: the association of wanting to move into homeownership with labour supply

Lersch, Philipp M. & Uunk, Wilfred (2016)

Out of society? Retirement affects perceived social exclusion in Germany

Wetzel, Martin, Mahne, Katharina (2016)

The Problems of Assessing Transnational Mobility: Identifying Latent Groups of Immigrants in Germany Using Factor Mixture Analysis

Riedel, Sascha (2016)

Values, Economic Crisis and Democracy

Voicu, Malina, Ingvill C. Mochmann und Hermann Dülmer (Hrsg., 2016)


Associations between the Big Five Personality Traits and the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs for Cognitive Enhancement

Sattler, Sebastian, Schunck, Reinhard (2015)

Family Migration and Subsequent Employment. The Effect of Gender Ideology.

Lersch, Philipp M. (2015)

The use frequency of 10 different methods for preventing and detecting academic dishonesty and the factors influencing their use

Sattler, Sebastian, Wiegel, Constantin, van Veen, Floris (2015)

Spatial Mobility, Family Dynamics, and Housing Transitions

Michael Wagner & Clara H. Mulder (2015)

A Free Audio-CASI Module for LimeSurvey

Harald Beier and Sonja Schulz (2015)

Gewalt im Jugendstrafvollzug

André Ernst (2015)

Gay and Lesbian Adults' Relationship With Parents in Germany

Karsten Hank and Veronika Salzburger (2015)

Response Effects of Prenotification, Prepaid Cash, Prepaid Vouchers, and Postpaid Vouchers. An Experimental Comparison.

van Veen, Sattler and Göritz (2015)

The Factorial Survey: Design Selection and its Impact on Reliability and Internal Validity

Hermann Dülmer (2015)

Disziplinarmaßnahmen im Jugendstrafvollzug - Ergebnisse einer Länderbefragung sowie eines längsschnittlichen Projektes zum Jugendstrafvollzug in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Thüringen

Bachmann und Ernst (2015)

Work-related stress and cognitive enhancement among university teachers

Wiegel, Sattler, Göritz and Diewald (2015)

Exploring Increasing Divorce Rates in West Germany: Can We Explain the Iron Low of Increasing Marriage Instability?

Wagner, Schmid and Weiß (2015)

Social Networks, Social Cohesion, and Later-Life Health

Deindl, Brandt and Hank (2015)

The Impact of Social Origin on Graduates' Early Occupational Destinations - An Anglo-German Comparison

Jacob, Klein and Iannelli (2015)

Marriage, Gender, and Class: The Effects of Partner Resources on Unemployment Exit in Germany

Jacob and Kleinert (2014)

The Impact of Social Origin on Graduates' Early Occupational Destinations - An Anglo-German Comparison

Jacob, Klein and Iannelli (2015)

Marriage, Gender, and Class: The Effects of Partner Resources on Unemployment Exit in Germany

Jacob and Kleinert (2014)

The Interrelation of Immigrants’ Interethnic Ties and Socioeconomic Status in Germany. An Autoregressive Panel Analysis

Riedel (2015)