Prerequisites for awarding of credit points for portfolios are:
- Examination registration via KLIPS.
If you have missed the deadline for examination registration you cannot achieve credit points and you will have to repeat the exam for the module. - Submission of portfolios via llias on time.
- The passing of partial examinations (e.g. presentation / written exam), which are specified in the module handbook as well as in KLIPS.
- Please pay attention to the module assignment of the courses. If you have passed a module examination, you cannot take a second examination in this module.
In case of illness
If your are unable to attend an examination (written exam or presentation), the corresponding rules of the examination office apply. You will find information on the withdrawal from an exam on the homepage of the examination office https://wiso.uni-koeln.de/en/faculty/managing-board/examination-office/2015-2021-examination-regulations/information-about-examinations/subsequent-withdrawal
Periods of illness or health impairment that occur before the submission deadline for term papers cannot be accounted for. The preparation time for term papers will not be extended.
Preparing portfolios
A portfolio is - according to the definition of the examination regulations - a collection of several tasks completed in writing in the broadest sense, which is evaluated in summary. Here, too, the so-called declaration (Eigenständigkeitserklärung) is required.
In order to pass the examination, at least two written performances must be submitted. No individual grade is awarded for the individual performances; only one overall grade is permitted.
The portfolios (including a scan of the declaration with your recognizable handwritten signature with the last submission) are submitted electronically via ILIAS. An electronic signature is not permitted.
The declaration should be uploaded in a .docx or .pdf file with the last submission at the latest.
The examining person may have the work electronically stored and processed in anonymized form for the purpose of review and in order to check your paper for plagiarism.
Under the link further below you will find a sample title page for your term paper/portfolio as well as the text of the declaration, which you must sign and attach to your paper (the German version is requested!). Without the signed declaration, the paper will be rated with 5,0 (failed). With your signature you confirm that you wrote your paper on your own, that all sources and other tools you have used are indicated in your bibliography, and that all quotations are marked.
It is no longer possble to submit printed term papers in the library.
- title page
- you will find the mandatory text for the declaration here (German) / here (English).
The relevant criterion for evaluating scientifc work is its content. Comprehensibilty and plausibilty of the content is ensured, however, if writers observe certain formal standards. Please follow the formal guidelines for term papers of the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology of the University of Cologne (see above, Information about deadlines and courses.)