Selected Publications
Flohr, M. and Protsch, P. (2022). Young people’s job-search strategies in the German apprenticeship market: Who relies on referrals by strong ties and why? Acta Sociologica OnlineFirst
Protsch, P. (2021). Employers’ recruitment contexts and hiring preferences in the German youth labor market. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 73.
Flohr, M., Menze, L. and Protsch, P. (2020). Berufliche Aspirationen im Kontext regionaler Berufsstrukturen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 72, 79–104.
Borgna, C., Solga, H. and Protsch, P. (2019). Overeducation, Labor Market Dynamics, and Economic Downturn in Europe. European Sociological Review, 35, 116‐132.
Protsch, P. (2017). Getting a foot in the door: How organisational characteristics shape recruitment decisions in the dual apprenticeship system. Journal of Education and Work, 30, 585-598.
Protsch, P. and Solga H. (2017). Going across Europe for an Apprenticeship. A factorial survey experiment on employers’ hiring preferences in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 27, 387-399.
Dumont, H., Protsch P., Jansen, M. and Becker, M. (2017). Fish swimming into the ocean: How tracking relates to students’ self‐beliefs and school disengagement at the end of schooling. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109, 855-870.
Protsch, P. and Solga, H. (2015). How Employers Use Signals of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills at Labor Market Entry. Insights from Field Experiments. European Sociological Review, 31, 521–532.
Protsch, P. (2014). Segmentierte Ausbildungsmärkte. Berufliche Chancen von Hauptschülerinnen und Hauptschülern im Wandel. Opladen: Budrich UniPress