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Teaching (national, international)


Dülmer, Hermann (2023): Vignettenanalyse. Workshop im Rahmen der DeZIM Summer School, Berlin, 21.-22.08.2023.

Dülmer, Hermann (2019): Mehrebenenanalyse mit SPSS. Workshop, Klinische und biologische Psychologie, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt, 18.-19.02.2019. 

Dülmer, Hermann (seit 2018): Mehrebenenanalysen mit Stata. Workshop für GESIS-Mannheim. Mannheim.

Dülmer, Hermann (seit 2009 zweimal jährlich): Mehrebenenanalysen mit HLM. Workshop für GESIS-Mannheim. Mannheim.

Dülmer, Hermann (2010): Mehrebenenanalyse. Workshop im Rahmen der Freiburger Methodenschulung, Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Uwe Wagschal, Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, 10.-12.03.2010.

Dülmer, Hermann (2009): Mehrebenenanalysen mit HLM. Workshop, Psychologisches Institut, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, Köln, 4.-5.03.2009.

Dülmer, Hermann (2007-2009, einmal jährlich): Mehrebenenanalysen mit HLM. Workshop für GESIS ZUMA Mannheim, Mannheim.

Dülmer, Hermann (2007): Einführung in die Mehrebenenanalyse. Workshop, Lehrstuhl Prof. Oscar W. Gabriel , Abteilung Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 6.-9.08.2007


Dülmer, Hermann (2017): Comparing Nations and Cultures. Special Lecture as part of a Visiting Professorship at the School of Global Studies and Collaboration, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo/Japan, 04.09.-08.09.2017.

Dülmer, Hermann (2017): Multilevel CFA and Multilevel SEM with Mplus. Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim/Norway, 23.08.-24.08.2017.

Dülmer, Hermann (2016): Comparing Nations and Cultures. Special Lecture as part of a Visiting Professorship at the School of Global Studies and Collaboration, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo/Japan, 05.09.-09.09.2016.

Dülmer, Hermann (2015): The Factorial Survey: an Introduction. 5th LCSR Summer School, Laboratory of Comparative Social Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow/Russian Federation, 25.07.-03.08.2015.

Dülmer, Hermann (2013): Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling in MPLUS. 3rd LCSR Summer School, Laboratory of Comparative Social Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg/Russian Federation, 18.-30.08.2013.

Dülmer, Hermann (2012): Multilevel Analysis with HLM. IV. Summer School for Advanced Methods for Data Analysis in the Social Sciences, Institute for the Social Sciences, University of Lisbon/Portugal, 24.07.-27.07.2012.

Dülmer, Hermann (2011): Multilevel Analysis with HLM. 1st LCSR Summer School, Laboratory of Comparative Social Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg/Russian Federation, 22.08.-02.09.2011.

Dülmer, Hermann (2011): Multilevel Analysis with HLM. III. Summer School for Advanced Methods for Data Analysis in the Social Sciences, Institute for the Social Sciences, University of Lisbon/Portugal, 26.-29.07.2011.

Dülmer, Hermann (2010): Principles of Multilevel Analysis. II. European Values Study Workshop after the 2008 Wave, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb/Croatia, 9.06.2010.

Dülmer, Hermann (2009): Multilevel Analysis with HLM: An Introduction. I. Summer School for Advanced Methods for Data Analysis in the Social Sciences, Institute for the Social Sciences, University of Lisbon/Portugal, 27.-29.07.2009.

Dülmer, Hermann (2005): Multilevel Analysis with HLM: An Introduction. Workshop, Institute for the Social Sciences, University of Lisbon/Portugal, 14.-16.03.2005.

Dülmer, Hermann and Wolfgang Jagodzinski (2002): Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction for Principle Investigators of the European Values Study 1999/2000. Department of Social Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven/Belgium, 9.04.2002.